Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Started slavery of the Jews and Christians sitting on the power

Danger! Danger!!

Caution! Caution!!

All the men and women of Pakistan

Slavery of Zardary will lead Pakistan to loose independence just like Iraq

Asif Ali Zarday, the new universal agent and slave of the Jews and Christians, is acting just like the Saddam Hussain to sell Pakistan to the Americans.

Saddam was an agent of the CIA

Saddam Hussain, the previous leader of Bath party, At the beginning, the Munafik Saddam, due to atheist philosophy was involved with KGB of Russia but later, he became the slave of USA by the influence and greedy offer of CIA. Saddam as a slave of USA prepared a dangerous master plan to sell IRAQ to USA by the direction of CIA. But the citizens of IRAQ could not understand it and even the religion-monger Mawlana or the Ulamau-soo could not understand this. Rather, they, without any understanding, vigorously uttered, "Saddam is the like father like son". It is similar to the notorious traitors of History. Traitors used to do secret contracts with the enemies and watched the defeat with a very big patriotic military forces just standing silently as inactive. Similarly, on the day of attacks on Baghdad by US army, the universal Munafik Saddam vanished into air with a very large republican guard and numerous military men of Fedain group. There are many evidences in the History that from the beginning of Islam, the Jews and Christians, one after another, in a disguise of Munafik Muslim, entered into the Muslim society and did similar damage to Muslims.

Zardery, the New Agent acting like Saddam

Similar to Saddam, Zardary is a complete Munafik, atheist, characterless and extravagant and voluptuous person. After the vanish of the universal Munafik Saddam, the Jews and Christians have engaged Asif Ali Zardary, another servant and agent of them. Zardary, after gaining the top most power of Pakistan , the only Muslim State with Atomic bomb capability, already has started to show his munafik like attitudes. The objective is the same, that is, to sell Pakistan to USA . Hard and fast efforts are going on to make Pakistan , a military base of USA . Being vicious of all immoral vices, Zardary is a greedy, badly corrupted person, a murderer and the topmost terrorist of the world - during the time of his wife Benajir Bhutto staying in the position of Prime Minister, the corrupted Zardary used to take bribe of at least 10% from all of the governmental works. That's why, everybody calls this corrupt as "Mr. Ten percent".

Zarderi will sell Pakistan to USA

All the decisions taken by the Munafik Zardary who came to power through conspiracy are posing alarming threats for Pakistan . For example,

a) Zardary has given such worthless inappropriate statements and decisions which clearly indicates his characterlessness and that he is completely unqualified for diplomacy and for ruling the country.

b) Recently, the Munafik Zardary has done unlimited damage to Pakistan by terming the brave Mujahids of Kashmir as terrorists,

c) He expressed no-objection to the atomic assistance treaty in between India and USA and eventually he will handover the atomic reactors to US.

d) He granted permission to unrestricted merchandizing treaty of India-Pakistan.

e) Zardary, the great liar, has insulted the Muslim citizens by terming them as terrorist for his way of satisfying his foreign Gods.

f) Zardary, the top to bottom Munafik, has shown the shameless slavery of the Americans by permitting the US to do missile attack into Pakistan .

This slavery of Zardary will destroy the autonomy and independence of Pakistan and will diminish the existence of Muslims there. (Na'yuzubillah)

Zardery is a serious threat for the Independence of Pakistan

Therefore, this is the high time to oust the Jaalim, Murderer, Munafik, corrupt, the traitor Zardery from power and give death sentence to him. Otherwise the Muslims of Pakistan will loose their independence just like Iraq . And on this issue, it is the Pakistan citizens and the Pakistani military, who are full of Imaan, have to come forward.